What are we commanded by the fourth
By the fourth
commandment we are commanded to respect and love our parents, to obey them in
all that isn't sinful, and to help them when they are in need.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for that is right. (Ephesians
Does the fourth commandment oblige us to
respect and to obey others besides our parents?
Besides our parents, the fourth commandment obliges us to respect and obey all
our lawful superiors.
Let everyone be
subject to the higher authorities, for there exists no authority except from
God, and those who exist have been appointed by God. Therefore he who
resists authority resists the ordinance of God; and they that resist bring on
themselves condemnation. (Romans 13:1-2) |
What duty have parents toward their children
and superiors toward those under their care?
Parents must provide for
the spiritual and bodily welfare of their children; superiors, according to
their varying degrees of responsibility, must care for those entrusted to them.
And you fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but rear them in the
discipline and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)
What are the duties of a citizen toward his
citizen must love his country, be sincerely interested in its welfare, and
respect and obey its lawful authority.
How does a citizen show a sincere interest in
his country's welfare?
A citizen shows a
sincere interest in his country's welfare by voting honestly and without selfish
motives, by paying just taxes and by defending his country's rights when
Why must we respect and obey the lawful
authority of our country?
must respect and obey the lawful authority of our country because it comes from
God, the Source of all authority.
Why are we obliged to take an active part in
works of good citizenship?
We are obliged to take
an active part in works of good citizenship because right reason requires
citizens to work together for the public welfare of the country.
What are the chief duties of those who hold
public office?
chief duties of those who hold public office are to be just to all in exercising
their authority and to promote the general welfare.
Give ear, you that
rule the people, and that please yourselves in multitudes of nations; for power
is given you by the Lord, and strength by the most High, who will examine your
works, and search out your thoughts.
What does the fourth commandment forbid?
fourth commandment forbids disrespect, unkindness, and disobedience to our
parents and lawful superiors.
Cursed by he that honoreth not his father and mother. (Deuteronomy 27:16)